Star Citizen - Cloud Imperium Games
I worked as a Senior Level Designer on the PvP-part called “Persistent Universe” (PU) in Star Citizen.
During my time at Cloud Imperium Games I worked on several of the now existing areas within the game. I started some locations from start to finish (planning, documentation, whitebox, greybox, final) and others I joined or helped other level designers work on.
Locations I worked on during my time at Star Citizen
Surface Outposts
I worked on these from start to finish. The idea behind them was to build the smallest location we wanted within the PU and to make sure it was built with a modular set that we could easily expand on.
I worked on the original rest-stop design until it was taken over by another level designer when we began using an internal built modular tool.
Area 18
I worked on this location from start to finish. One major difference with this location was that we already had en existing design that I had to keep in mind. I was allowed to do major changes to the location but needed to keep the original vision.
I worked on this location from start until we reached greybox. Once we reached greybox I left the company to begin working at Gunzilla Games.
Other things I worked on during my time at Star Citizen was:
- The modular location tool
- I did not own this, but was part of the process giving suggestions and feedback
- CitizenCon 2016
- I was one of the level design owners of the PU demo we showed with Area 18 and Lorville
- CitizenCon 2019
- I was one of the level designer owners and had to among other things design the “worm-hole”